Below are briefs, summary reports and impact assessment reports
from Girl Rising India’s on-ground interventions.


The two briefs map out the journey of Girl Rising in India and the key highlights from different programs.

The two briefs outline the results of the recent evaluation conducted on Girl Rising India’s flagship initiative – Schools Campaign that reached 45,500 across 5 states towards creating a gender-equitable future.

The brief outlines the key highlights from the USAID supported ENGAGE project implemented in Rajasthan and Bihar.

The informational notes provides an overview of the Starbucks supported, Women and Girls Prosper project that GR implemented in partnership with Barefoot College International in the tea-estates of Assam in 2019.

Impact assessment reports

Monitoring and Evaluation is a core element across all GR India programs to help measure impact, identify gaps and improve outcomes. The process further helps to demonstrate the power of storytelling and spotlight on the effectiveness of GR catalytic media tools. As GR India aims to influence mindsets and perceptions about traditionally accepted gender stereotypes, capturing a shift or change in attitude is crucial to understand the sustainability of interventions.

The report evaluates the results of the participant survey developed and analyzed by the George Washington University to examine perceptions and actions among adults who had viewed the short public service announcement – We Dream We Rise.

The report offers an in-depth analysis of the methodology, results and findings as wall as the overview of the Schools Campaign.

ENGAGE – aimed to increase awareness on importance of equitable access to education and to mobilize social action around girls’ education initiatives. The report in-depth analyzes the efficacy of the program in three countries – India, Nigeria and Democratic Republic of Congo.

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