Girl Rising India leverages the power of storytelling and creative media content to shift attitudes and change behavior around gender stereotypes. It inspires adolescents - especially girls - to imagine and believe in their dreams and aspirations as well as empowers communities to break down the barriers holding girls back.
Powered by HP, we bring to you a glimpse of Girl Rising’s latest book, ‘Dare to Dream’ which encapsulates stories of nine girls that overcame insurmountable obstacles with unmeasured resilience, determination and will to pursue their dreams. Featured in the Girl Rising film- Amina, Ruksana, Suma, Senna, Azmera, Wadley, Sokha and Nasro - all demonstrate courage and perseverance to rise above the barriers that held them back. With a foreword by Priyanka Chopra Jonas, 'Dare to Dream' aims to inspire adolescents to re-imagine their future and realize their potential through an engaging set of self-reflective activities. The book also includes poems authored by adolescents from Girl Rising’s partner organizations Slam Out Loud and Milaan Foundation in India. A complete version of the book will be available soon. Please contact us at for any queries.
The planet has been witnessing devastating impacts of climate change since the last few decades. Although it impacts everyone, climate change disproportionately affects women and girls more. While the world works around strategies to combat the issue, it is crucial to be cognizant of the role that women and girls can play in building climate resilience in their communities. Studies show that if we achieve universal secondary education for girls tomorrow, there would be 1.5 million fewer people in this world by 2050; thereby reducing more than 85 gigatons of carbon emissions. In recognition of their potential contribution, we have recently launched a first-of-its-kind initiative to address the deep links between girls' education and the world's ability to address climate change. Click on the video for a glimpse on this new storytelling project which aims to prioritize gender equity in a movement towards climate justice action and reduction of carbon footprint across the globe. Stay tuned for regular updates on this latest campaign here.