Nov 12, 2019 Category:

Till a few months before the Girl Rising India began its work in her village, Kavita remained skeptical of joining any adolescent group, or speaking to anyone other than her family. She shied away from expressing her opinions, and admittedly did not have the requisite confidence to speak in front of a group.

Now, one of the most vocal members of the adolescent group in Alwar, Kavita embarked on a journey when she joined a group that organized monthly meetings. As part of the group, adolescent members discussed issues such as child marriages, child labor, child rights, and benefits of education among several others. Learning from the facilitators, and her peers, she began, albeit still hesitantly, to express her thoughts. Routinely attending meetings of this group helped her overcome her fears, and inculcated confidence. Soon, Kavita was standing confidently in front of a bustling crowd of 3000 people with state education officers in attendance, who listened to her speech not knowing that she was terrified of public speaking. As a confident young adolescent girl today, Kavita calls for community members to support girls’ education fervently.